To Soorya Hall
Soorya Hall is A fully air-conditioned hall, WITH spacious dining hall and A/C Rooms built with all modern facilities! YOU CAN COMFORTABLY celebrate auspicious family functions like Wedding, Reception, Engagement, 60th, Upanayanam , Ayush Homam and Baby Shower. It is also an apt place for conducting Birthday parties, Corporate meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Get-together’s etc. Our TEAM of committed staff will guarantee that YOUR Thoughts will materialise and will dedicatedly work to make them happen! Providing high quality is our utmost priority and we ensure every function is unique and memorable to both the host and the guests.
we provide rental sapce for
- Marriage
- Reception
- Engagement
- Conference & Corporate Meetings
- Upanayanam,Shastiaptha Poorthi,Sadabhiseham
- Retirement Part & Ring Ceremony
- For all kinds of celebrations and More